

A real estate syndication is a small pool of investors that combine their financial and operational resources to purchase, renovate, and lease an asset. The pooling effect allows investors to leverage both experience and capital to maximizes returns.

Real estate syndications are comprised of a sponsor(s) that manages the asset while limited partners provide oversight and capital. Typically, syndication holds a single asset or a small basket of similar assets. Syndications are excellent for passive investors that want to participate in larger deals.

To learn more, please email Investors@mrtxre.com

Why You Should Join THE Mastermind

Diverse Approach

THE Mastermind is a group that shares openly and honestly about successes and challenges in each of our business’s models. This group of professionals facilitates individual members to achieve their desired goals and support their progress.

Results Based

THE Mastermind program is not a website or database that can "hack" your real estate careers. In actuality THE Mastermind lays out a personalized approach to real estate, investing in realistic goals, in a practical time frame.

Why You Should Not Join
THE Mastermind

No Magic Box

If you're someone that is looking for the "silver bullet," "magic box," "red pill" or "secret gurus” this group is not for you.

No Easy Money

Anything of value takes work. We can share and train on the best practices, but you have to put in the effort to achieve your desired results.

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Disclosure: Investing involves risk, including loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee or indicate future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. While the data we use from third parties is believed to be reliable, we cannot ensure the accuracy or completeness of data provided by investors or other third parties. Neither Cardone Capital nor any of its affiliates provide tax advice and do not represent in any manner that the outcomes described herein will result in any particular tax consequence. Offers to sell, or solicitations of offers to buy, any security can only be made through official offering documents that contain important information about investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses. Prospective investors should consult with a tax or legal adviser before making any investment decision.

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